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Session I

In session one, we examine how to cultivate what the singer brings to the table and how to merge their artistic goals with functional voice training. You will learn how to tell when it's time to build the voice and when it's time to follow the artist.  Most importantly we will show you how to mentor artists both functionally and artistically through numerous small group and experiential learning activities. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit the SU cadaver lab for hands-on experience with a human larynx and respiratory system

(optional). This powerful experience consistently brings new clarity to the delicate work we do as voice teachers. Through a combination of pre-recorded lectures and live sessions, participants will learn to balance vocal function, vocal health, authenticity, and artistry.

Learning from any of the Institute faculty is an honor: their generosity of mind, heart, and soul reminds me of the most cherished long-term mentorships of my development as an artist and teacher. But get all of these faculty in a room together, and the synergy is almost palpable. They create—and re-create in real-time response to Institute attendees—a fertile space where science and soul, individuality and community, strengths and growing edges, are all valued, celebrated, and encouraged. Returning to the Institute each summer is the highlight of my professional year. These 9 days serve as both reset button and launchpad, but most importantly as the source of a cherished network of colleagues and friends to whom I can turn for accountability and support the other 51 weeks of the year.
~ David Glasgow

Session I

Pre-Session Video Lectures:

Functional Training & the Bel Canto Tradition: Is there a connection?* - Dr. Kathryn Green

Anatomy & Function Posture and Respiratory System - Marci Rosenberg and Dr. Wendy Leborgne

Mapping the Larynx and the Vocal Tract - Matt Edwards

Exercise Physiology and Motor Skills: Principles for training the vocal athlete - Marci Rosenberg

Belt Theory and Research* - Dr. Wendy LeBorgne

Teaching Mix and Belt - Matt Edwards

(* denotes lectures that are optional to help you tailor the experience to match your needs)



Saturday July 8th

9:00-10:30: The Artist's Purpose: Marcelle Gauvin and the CCM Faculty

10:30-10:45: Break

10:45-11:45: Small Group Listening - Function and Story: CCM Faculty

11:45-12:30: Teaching from Speech: Matt Edwards

12:30-2:00: Lunch

2:00-3:30: Body and Breath Workshop: Dr. Wendy LeBorgne, Marci Rosenberg, and the CCM Faculty

3:30-4:00: Break

4:00-4:45: Training at the Vocal Fold Level: Vocal Fitness, Wellness, and Exercise Physiology principles

4:45-5:30: Application with CCM Faculty

5:30-7:30: Dinner

7:30-9:00: Take Me Home Concert with the CCM Faculty (Goodson Recital Hall)



Sunday July 9th

9:00-9:30: Morning Q&A

9:30-10:30: Shades of Mix Masterclass with Matt Edwards and Jessica Baldwin

10:30-11:00: Break

11:00-12:30: Shades of Mix Masterclass with Marcelle Gauvin, Alison Crockett, and Julie Dean

12:30-2:00: Lunch

2:00-2:30: Masterclass Ed Reisert

2:30-3:30: Breakout Rooms on Mixing

3:30-4:00: Break

4:00-5:30: Wendy & Matt Belting 101

5:30-7:30: Dinner

7:30-9:00: Hampton Inn Pool Party: Pool nights are one of the highlights of the CCM Institute. A place where friendships are formed as participants from all around the world get to know each other and share their stories. 

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Monday July 10th

9:00-9:30: Morning Q&A

9:30-10:30: The Artists Purpose Part II: Marcelle Gauvin and the CCM Faculty

10:30-11:00: Break

11:00-11:30: Small Groups in Stimpson - Solidify Intention Setting-Marcelle

11:30-12:30: Breakout Sessions on Belting in rooms: The CCM Faculty

12:30-2:00: Lunch 

2:00-3:30: Getting the most out of SOVTs in CCM Styles: Marci Rosenberg and the CCM Faculty

3:30-4:00: Break

4:00-5:30: Developing the Foundation: Panel discussion with the CCM Faculty

5:30-7:30: Dinner

7:30-9:00: Open Mic Night: A highlight of the CCM Institute, bring music to sing, all styles welcome.  (Goodson Recital Hall)

The CCM Institute at Shenandoah University is the best conference I've attended in the last 20 years! The faculty is knowledgeable, diverse, and creative! The institute is a great mix of vocal technique, style and artistry. I learned different styles of singing through listening and direct application. I was able to create new intentions in my teaching. I had time to focus on myself and discover new ideas for myself as an artist. Money well spent! Thank you CCM Institute faculty!

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